
Since 2020, CIMA Research Foundation has had its own e-learning platform, where training courses developed by our experts are regularly uploaded, mainly on issues of civil protection, planning, early warning system and earth observation, but also on hydrological models, marine ecosystems and the operation of some platforms developed over the years.

Our courses consist of a mix of synchronous activities (such as webinars or face-to-face lectures) and asynchronous activities (interactive modules, videos, infographics, and tutorials) that allow us to provide a more engaging training experience, enhancing learning and expanding beneficiaries through the mechanism of Training of Trainers and the provision of course materials.

attivita elearning cima foundation

This mode of training enabled us to replicate the topics of the subject matter covered with ease and speed, allowing us to adapt them to various needs and contexts, while also going some way toward reducing the environmental impact related to travel and commuting due to trainings in Italy and abroad.

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