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A training experience dedicated to the cetaceans monitoring methods accessible both to Italian and foreign students and researchers. The program gives the opportunity to develop and apply their studies in future research activities in this field.

CIMA Research Foundation has developed the CETASMUS program, a training experience on methodologies for cetacean monitoring. The program offers both theoretical modules – with dedicated seminars and workshops – and technical and practical sampling and data collection at sea, on issues such as distribution, abundance and behavior of cetaceans.

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CETASMUS foresees two different types of internships:

Field Internship:
aim of the internship is to provide hands on experience on cetacean surveys. Interns will be involved in all the surveys of a specific project. As office work is not foreseen for this type of internship, interns will have free time when not involved in sea surveys. Field internship is particularly indicated for students willing to gain field experience and also needing time to prepare exams or personal projects (without supervision).
Minimum Commitment: 2 months

Research Internship:
aim of the internship is to provide hands on experience on cetacean research, from data collection at sea to data analysis. Interns will be involved in surveys of their specific project AND will be trained on data-entry and data analysis. Office work can be used for the development of a thesis / internship report under CIMA Researchers supervision. Free time will be agreed directly with supervisor.
Minimum Commitment: 5 months


  • Applicants should possess or be enrolled in a BS or MS course in biology, environmental sciences or a related major
  • Applicants must be reliable, motivated and team oriented, have a positive attitude as well as a genuine interest in marine mammal sciences
  • Applicants must be adaptable and patient as fieldwork is highly weather dependent. This means long consecutive days in the field when weather permits while no cruises during bad weather periods

Specific Qualifications:
Previous field experience is preferred (photo-id / visual census).


Our interns will be directly involved in our projects. Currently we are working on:

Our cetasmus interns come from all over the world
Up to 2023 we have had interns from 17 countries

map cetasmus

This map is for graphical representation only and the boundaries shown do not imply an official endorsement or acceptance by CIMA Research Foundation.


Students applying for a research intern position can use the internship to develop a MSc/BSc thesis. Thesis topic will directly be discussed with tutor.

For students willing to develop a thesis, the suggested period is minimum 8 months (considering field season).

Here a list of possible topics:

  • Trends in species presence and distribution in Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
  • Distribution of Macro Litter
  • Climate change impact assessment
  • Anthropic impact risk assessment
  • Whale watching activity evaluation

Join us

Because of the training required, preference will be given to interns applying for longer periods.

These positions are an excellent opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing a career in marine mammal research to strengthen their skills and above all to gain practical experience in the field.

The CETASMUS program is free of charges to participants. Successful applicants are responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from Italy and for accommodation in Savona during the entire staying. All costs related to at sea surveys will be covered by CIMA Research Foundation.

In order to apply, please fill the application form.