
Dialogue with the scientific world has always been a fundamental part of the advancement of research. The various activities and studies carried out by CIMA Research Foundation have not only been the subject of national and international reports, but also of numerous publications in journals. Publications have grown steadily over the years: in 2022, we counted 32 scientific papers appearing in almost thirty different journals (some of which are among the most prestigious in their field), many of which are in open access to encourage maximum dissemination and sharing of results. Bearing in mind that our staff of researchers is constantly engaged in carrying out projects that have very operational and field deployment components, which unfortunately reduce the time and conditions necessary to disseminate the results we obtain, it is nevertheless a number to be proud of.

On the other hand, the gender ratio among first authors can be improved: here we are forced to acknowledge that there is an imbalance between the number of female researchers employed in projects, and those who then manage to coordinate publications. In this sense, our Gender Equality Plan plans concrete actions to compensate and decrease this ‘gap’, aware that publishing less is certainly not a direct consequence of lesser skills or quality of work, but rather a reflection of the gender inequality that exists in the world of academic research and in scientific subjects, the so-called ‘STEM’ subjects. Mea culpa, then, but we are determined to improve.

On the other hand, the reports produced for the projects in which we are involved, requested as outputs by the institutions with which we collaborate, are too many to enumerate and of various kinds, but some are downloadable from our website because, although they do not appear in indexed journals, they are no less scientifically valid. And, what is most important to us, they are equally useful in increasing knowledge on the issues of hazards, their impacts, and the conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity.

In fact, CIMA Research Foundation’s publications touch on all the different areas of activity on which our work focuses: they thus bring together as much studies in the areas of hydrology and meteorology as they do activities in the areas of forest fire prediction and monitoring, the use of satellite data, and cetacean studies.

The papers also highlight the fundamental role that collaboration plays for our researchers, because the vast majority of them are the result of work done with colleagues from other institutions, national and international. Sharing and cooperation are our mantra, and the variety of our research and the results we publish, unfortunately, are only a fraction of what we do and are tangible evidence of that.